There are a total of 51 8-letter words containing 'pop', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- alcopops 18
- antipope 15
- apophony 19
- apophyge 20
- apoplexy 24
- epopoeia 14
- hypopnea 19
- hypopyon 21
- lollipop 17
- lollypop 19
- opopanax 22
- opoponax 22
- popadoms 18
- popcorns 18
- popedoms 18
- popeless 15
- popelike 19
- poperies 14
- popinjay 26
- popishly 19
- poplitic 18
- popovers 18
- poppadom 21
- poppadum 22
- poppiest 17
- poppling 21
- popsicle 18
- popsocks 21
- popsters 14
- popstrel 15
- populace 19
- populate 16
- populism 19
- populist 16
- populous 17
- powerpop 20
- synthpop 19
- poplitei 12
- popplier 14
- agitpops 13
- apoplast 12
- popadums 15
- popehood 16
- popeling 13
- poperins 12
- popeseye 15
- popeship 17
- popettes 12
- popjoyed 23
- populars 12
- unpoping 13
There are 51 8-letter words containing pop in the well-known word game dictionary, 34 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 46 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 37 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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