8 Letter Words List (42840)
- national 11
- business 13
- research 13
- children 16
- interest 9
- services 15
- property 16
- question 19
- required 19
- possible 15
- provided 17
- evidence 17
- although 16
- district 12
- increase 12
- economic 18
- analysis 12
- received 16
- material 12
- position 12
- problems 18
- building 17
- industry 13
- contract 15
- congress 14
- products 16
- together 12
- students 11
- programs 16
- specific 20
- addition 11
- practice 17
- standard 11
- personal 13
- training 12
- division 14
- complete 18
- reported 12
- proposed 15
- military 14
- chairman 17
- language 15
- security 14
- obtained 13
- pressure 12
- decision 13
- director 12
- probably 20
- purposes 15
- judgment 25
- function 17
- included 16
- activity 17
- original 12
- physical 19
- officers 17
- patients 12
- involved 19
- produced 17
- solution 11
- response 12
- provides 16
- approach 19
- hospital 14
- anything 16
- movement 19
- planning 17
- expected 22
- benefits 15
- consider 13
- electric 15
- capacity 19
- railroad 10
- referred 12
- directly 15
- includes 15
- followed 17
- exchange 23
- entitled 11
- existing 18
- continue 14
- prepared 15
- southern 12
- behavior 17
- computer 18
- transfer 12
- commerce 20
- agencies 14
- approved 19
- observed 16
- teachers 13
- actually 16
- chemical 20
- relative 13
- previous 16
- separate 11
- sections 12
- learning 13
- expenses 19
- employed 18
- employee 17
- thousand 13
- distance 13
- progress 13
- presence 15
- designed 13
- elements 13
- strength 13
- relation 10
- selected 13
- official 18
- internal 11
- compared 18
- attorney 11
- election 13
- purchase 17
- assembly 17
- virginia 12
- majority 22
- projects 23
- requires 18
- measures 12
- contains 13
- recently 15
- positive 15
- location 13
- domestic 15
- returned 11
- appeared 15
- critical 15
- constant 13
- features 12
- governor 15
- exercise 18
- families 15
- articles 12
- teaching 16
- whatever 17
- northern 12
- entirely 12
- intended 12
- maintain 13
- accepted 18
- regional 12
- policies 15
- indicate 13
- somewhat 16
- subjects 24
- instance 13
- citizens 21
- employer 17
- remember 17
- michigan 16
- accounts 16
- payments 17
- relating 12
- directed 13
- standing 13
- criminal 16
- petition 12
- advanced 18
- cultural 15
- reaction 12
- occurred 16
- thinking 18
- affected 18
- pursuant 14
- supplies 16
- negative 15
- ordinary 12
- greatest 10
- medicine 16
- properly 17
- extended 18
- clinical 17
- estimate 11
- numerous 14
- adequate 19
- religion 12
- measured 13
How many 8 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 8-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 31482 8-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 40433 8-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 32265 8-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 8-letter words?
The most common 30 8-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 8-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | pizzazzy(49 points), zyzzyvas(44 points), pizzazes(37 points), pizazzes(37 points), pazazzes(37 points), jazzlike(37 points), bezazzes(37 points), zizzling(36 points), quizzing(36 points), quizzers(35 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | pizzazzy(49 points), zyzzyvas(44 points), quizzify(41 points), quizzery(38 points), pizzazes(37 points), pizazzes(37 points), pazazzes(37 points), jazzlike(37 points), bizazzes(37 points), bezazzes(37 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | zyzzyvas(43 points), vajazzle(40 points), jazzlike(40 points), zizzling(39 points), quizzing(39 points), jacuzzis(39 points), buzzbomb(39 points), pizazzes(38 points), pazazzes(38 points), bezazzes(38 points). |
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