There are a total of 94 8-letter words containing 'form', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- aeriform 14
- arciform 17
- artforms 14
- auriform 15
- ausforms 15
- biformed 18
- coliform 18
- conforms 18
- coniform 18
- cubiform 21
- cuniform 19
- deformed 16
- deformer 15
- ensiform 15
- filiform 18
- flatform 18
- formable 18
- formalin 16
- formally 18
- formants 15
- formates 14
- formerly 17
- formless 15
- formulae 16
- formulas 16
- formwork 21
- freeform 17
- fusiform 18
- gasiform 16
- gruiform 17
- haloform 17
- informal 16
- informed 16
- informer 15
- iodoform 15
- janiform 24
- landform 17
- lifeform 18
- lyriform 17
- misforms 17
- napiform 18
- omniform 18
- paraform 17
- pediform 18
- performs 17
- piciform 20
- piliform 18
- piriform 17
- pisiform 17
- planform 19
- platform 18
- postform 17
- preforms 17
- proforma 17
- proforms 17
- pyriform 19
- ramiform 17
- reformat 14
- reformed 15
- reformer 14
- reinform 15
- reniform 15
- retiform 14
- rotiform 14
- setiform 14
- slipform 18
- songform 17
- subforms 18
- tubiform 18
- unciform 19
- unformed 17
- uniforms 16
- ursiform 15
- variform 18
- vasiform 18
- waveform 21
- formably 18
- formicas 15
- isoforms 13
- disforms 14
- enformed 14
- formated 14
- formiate 13
- formings 14
- formular 13
- lavaform 16
- longform 14
- maniform 15
- muriform 15
- natiform 13
- nubiform 15
- paliform 15
- raniform 13
- unformal 13
There are 94 8-letter words containing form in the well-known word game dictionary, 71 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 87 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 76 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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