There are a total of 66 8-letter words containing 'dog', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- amidogen 15
- bulldogs 17
- cantdogs 15
- chilidog 17
- corndogs 15
- dogbanes 15
- dogberry 16
- dogcarts 14
- dogeared 12
- dogedoms 15
- dogeship 16
- dogfaces 17
- dogfight 18
- dogfoods 15
- doggedly 17
- doggerel 14
- doggiest 13
- doggoned 15
- doggoner 14
- doggones 14
- doggrels 14
- doghouse 14
- dogmatic 17
- dognaped 16
- dognaper 15
- dogsbody 17
- dogshore 13
- dogsleds 13
- dogstail 12
- dogteeth 13
- dogtooth 13
- dogtrots 11
- dogvanes 16
- dogwatch 19
- dogwoods 15
- endogamy 17
- endogens 13
- endogeny 15
- firedogs 14
- hangdogs 16
- longdogs 15
- odograph 16
- ondogram 15
- overdogs 15
- puppydog 23
- sheepdog 16
- underdog 14
- watchdog 19
- waterdog 14
- birddogs 13
- dogskins 14
- dogtails 10
- guarddog 12
- horndogs 13
- moondogs 12
- coachdog 17
- coondogs 12
- dogbolts 12
- dogeates 10
- dogfoxes 20
- doggeder 12
- doggings 12
- dogholes 13
- dogships 15
- dogsleep 12
- dogtowns 13
There are 66 8-letter words containing dog in the well-known word game dictionary, 50 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 57 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 49 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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