There are a total of 104 8-letter words containing 'val', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- aestival 13
- approval 19
- archival 18
- arrivals 13
- bivalent 17
- bivalved 21
- bivalves 20
- carnival 17
- cavalero 16
- cavalier 16
- cavallas 17
- chevalet 18
- chivalry 20
- coaevals 16
- coevally 19
- corrival 16
- covalent 17
- crevalle 17
- deprival 17
- devalued 16
- devalues 15
- disvalue 15
- divalent 15
- evaluate 14
- festival 16
- gingival 18
- interval 14
- invalids 15
- khedival 20
- lavalava 18
- lavalier 14
- lavalike 18
- medieval 17
- misvalue 17
- nonnaval 16
- nonrival 15
- nonvalid 16
- novalike 18
- outrival 14
- outvalue 15
- ovalness 14
- precaval 19
- primeval 19
- removals 16
- reproval 16
- revalued 15
- revalues 14
- revivals 17
- rivaling 16
- rivalled 15
- shrieval 15
- survival 18
- trevally 16
- trivalve 17
- univalve 19
- unvalued 17
- upheaval 19
- valanced 18
- valances 17
- valenced 18
- valences 17
- valencia 17
- valerate 13
- valerian 14
- valeting 16
- valguses 16
- valiance 17
- valiancy 19
- valiants 14
- validate 14
- validity 16
- valkyrie 19
- valonias 14
- valorise 13
- valorize 22
- valorous 14
- valproic 19
- valuable 18
- valuably 20
- valuated 15
- valuates 14
- valuator 14
- valvelet 18
- valvulae 19
- valvular 19
- valvules 19
- prevalue 13
- semioval 13
- valleyed 15
- corivals 13
- devalled 13
- longeval 12
- navalism 13
- receival 13
- rivaless 11
- rivalise 11
- rivality 14
- rivalize 20
- upvalued 14
- upvalues 13
- validest 12
- vallhund 15
- vallonia 11
- valoneas 11
There are 104 8-letter words containing val in the well-known word game dictionary, 87 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 103 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 86 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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