There are a total of 93 8-letter words containing 'nci', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- agencies 14
- ancients 13
- ancillae 14
- ancillas 14
- arancini 13
- bouncier 16
- bouncily 19
- bouncing 19
- chancier 17
- chancily 20
- chancing 20
- coincide 16
- conciser 15
- councils 17
- duncical 18
- encipher 17
- encircle 16
- estancia 12
- evincing 19
- evincive 20
- fanciers 15
- fanciest 15
- fanciful 20
- fencible 19
- fencings 18
- francise 15
- francium 19
- francize 24
- glancing 18
- incident 14
- incipits 15
- incircle 16
- incising 15
- incision 13
- incisive 16
- incisors 12
- incisory 14
- incisura 13
- incisure 13
- incitant 13
- inciters 12
- inciting 15
- jauncing 25
- jouncier 22
- jouncing 25
- lanciers 13
- manciple 19
- minciest 15
- nuancing 17
- oncidium 17
- penciled 17
- penciler 16
- ponciest 15
- pouncing 19
- prancing 18
- principe 18
- principi 18
- rancidly 16
- reincite 12
- runcible 17
- sconcing 18
- sinciput 16
- stencils 13
- trancing 15
- uncially 17
- unciform 19
- uncinate 14
- valencia 17
- vincible 20
- vincibly 22
- zincites 21
- danciest 11
- nanciest 10
- rancider 11
- aduncity 14
- concised 13
- concises 12
- dancings 12
- egencies 11
- elancing 11
- encierro 10
- incivism 15
- launcing 11
- mincings 13
- pooncing 13
- princing 13
- riancies 10
- rouncies 10
- semuncia 12
- uncipher 15
- vauncing 14
- wincings 14
- zinciest 19
There are 93 8-letter words containing nci in the well-known word game dictionary, 71 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 91 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 71 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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